Upload the media to your S3 bucket

Part of: Hosting Obsidian S3 media publicly

Make sure you have followed the previous steps:

  1. Setup S3 bucket for use with Cloudfront
  2. Setup custom AWS CloudFront CNAME
  3. Setup an IAM user to manage an S3 bucket

Use the Obsidian Plugin

You can use the excellent S3 Image Uploader plugin to automatically upload images to your S3 bucket.


You can find the plugin in the list of Obsidian community plugins.

Configure credentials for upload

  1. Provide the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key from the IAM you've previously created.
  2. Provide your bucket's region (e.g. eu-central-1)
  3. Provide your bucket's name (e.g. assets.example.com)

Configure Cloudfront URL

The final step is to configure the domain we previously setup:

  1. Enable Use custom image URL
  2. Set Custom Image URL to the domain you previously configured with Cloudfront (e.g. assets.example.com). For example for this blog:

Manual Alternative: Manage S3 bucket with Cyberduck 🦆

You can also manually manage S3 "files" (objects) using Cyberduck.
There's quite a bit of documentation, but there are suggestions I didn't like (e.g. user with full S3 permissions), and some parts that didn't work (e.g. bucket name in the server url).

Here's what did work for me:

  1. Setup an IAM user to manage an S3 bucket
  2. Set up an S3 (HTTPS) bookmark in Cyberduck:
    1. Provide the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.
      PS: if you forgot to write these down, you can recreate them.
    2. Set Server to s3.amazonaws.com
    3. Set More Options -> Path to the name of your bucket, e.g. /assets.example.com
  3. That's it 🍰